Dream Boy
“Dream Boy,” directed by James Bolton, is a poignant coming-of-age drama that explores the tender and complex relationship between two teenage boys in the rural South. As they navigate the challenges of love, identity, and societal expectations, their bond is tested by the secrets and dangers lurking in their seemingly idyllic surroundings.
Views: 10
Director: James Bolton
Actors: Diana Scarwid, Maximillian Roeg, Nick Ericson, Owen Beckman, Randy Wayne, Rickie Lee Jones, Rooney Mara, Stephan Bender, Thomas Jay Ryan, Tom Gilroy
Country: United States of America
Company: Garbus Kroupa Entertainment, Mettray Reformatory Pictures, Tetrahedron Productions
Awards: 2 wins
Budget: $1,200,000
Worldwide Gross: $6,534