Route 225
In this intriguing film, siblings Eriko, aged fourteen, and her thirteen-year-old brother Daigo unexpectedly become ensnared in an alternate universe. While this new world mirrors their own in many ways, their parents are conspicuously absent from their home and can only be reached through a specific phone card. The movie is adapted from a novel by Fujino Chiya, a recipient of the prestigious Akutagawa Prize, and is directed by the screenwriter behind Nakata Hideo’s “Dark Water.”
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Yoshihiro Nakamura
Actors: Chikara Iwata, Eri Ishida, Hidekazu Mashima, Kyusaku Shimada, Mari Hayashida, Masayo Umezawa, Mikako Tabe, Miki Hayashida, Yoichi Sai, Yoji Tanaka
Country: Japan