“Sakuran,” directed by Mika Ninagawa, is a visually stunning film that follows the journey of Kiyoha, a rebellious young girl who rises through the ranks of a brothel in the red-light district of Edo-period Japan. The movie explores themes of love, ambition, and the struggle for personal freedom within the confines of a rigid societal structure.
Views: 18
Director: Mika Ninagawa
Actors: Anna Tsuchiya, Hiroki Narimiya, Kayoko Aoyagi, Ken'ichi Endô, Kippei Shiina, Masanobu Ando, Masatoshi Nagase, Mayu Fujimori, Miho Kanno, Yoshino Kimura
Country: Japan
Company: Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Asmik Ace Entertainment, Booster Project
Awards: 4 nominations
Budget: $3,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $6,247,539