Avengers Social Club
In this heartwarming South Korean drama directed by Kwon Seok-jang, a group of women from different walks of life come together to form an unlikely alliance. Their shared goal is to seek justice and revenge against those who have wronged them, leading to a series of poignant and often humorous events. The film stars Lee Yo-won, Ra Mi-ran, and Myung Se-bin, whose performances bring depth and relatability to their characters. This engaging narrative can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
TV Status: Ended
1h 6minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 8.1
Country: South Korea
Networks: tvN
Starring: Byoung-Sook Sung, Choi Byung-mo, Jang Yong, Jeong Seok-yong, Jung Ae-yeun, Lee Jun-young, Lee Yo-won, Myung Se-bin, Ra Mi-ran, Seong Byeong-sook, Seong Byeong-suk, Shin Dong-woo