“Tapas,” directed by José Corbacho, is a Spanish film that weaves together the lives of several characters in a suburban Barcelona neighborhood, exploring themes of love, loneliness, and the everyday struggles of ordinary people. Through a series of interconnected stories, the film captures the essence of community and the small yet significant moments that shape human relationships.
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Director: José Corbacho, Juan Cruz
Actors: Alberto de Mendoza, Alberto Jo Lee, Amparo Moreno, Ángel de Andrés López, Anna Barrachina, Blanca Apilánez, Darío Paso, Elvira Mínguez, María Galiana, Rubén Ochandiano
Country: Argentina, Mexico, Spain
Company: Castelao Producciones, El Terrat, Filmax
Awards: 9 wins & 9 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $4,455,640