Tomie Vs Tomie
In a narrative inspired by “The Gathering” from the Tomie manga, a young man with a mysterious history starts a job at a factory, where he catches the eye of an enigmatic woman who operates in the shadows. Unlike others, he is a rare individual, possibly due to a unique genetic trait, as he remains indifferent to Tomie’s allure. This piques Tomie’s curiosity, leading her to develop an obsession with him. Before long, he finds himself entangled in a fierce conflict between two competing Tomies, both of whom are seemingly immortal.
Views: 6
Genre: Horror
Director: Tomohiro Kubo
Actors: Chika Arakawa, Daikichi Sugawara, Emiko Matsuoka, Hidekazu Nagae, Kazuo Tsuji, Masaki Miura, Natsuki Kasa, Tôru Hachinohe, Yû Abiru, Yuki Takenaka
Country: Japan
Company: Arcimboldo Y.K., Art Port, Asahi Sonorama