Tu hao 520
The romantic comedy “Tuhao 520,” also known as “Love Without Distance,” is the latest film focusing on the lifestyles of China’s wealthy elite. Through a series of cleverly designed scenes, the movie explores the concept of “tuhao,” a well-known Chinese term used to describe affluent individuals who may be lacking in sophistication and refinement.
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Director: Oi-Wah Lam
Actors: Anna Yao, Cica Zhou, Dong Li-Fan, Francis Ng, He Gang, Li Jing, Ma Tianyu, Sula Wenya, Yao Xingtong, Zhu Yongteng, Zong Fengyan, 吳鎮宇, 吴镇宇, 姚星彤
Country: China
Company: China Film Group Corporation (CFGC)
Worldwide Gross: $5,100,000